解决时间:2008-4-23 14:31 Power By 百度.
光纤液滴传感器是利用测试液滴的形成过程与液体成份之间关系而制成的一种液体测试传感器。它利用光纤来监测液滴的增长过程,并通过分析随液滴下降过程而变化的光强变化曲线,获得反映液体的物理、化学性质的“光纤液滴指纹图”的测试系统。液滴体积的测量方法是利用液滴增长过程电容的变化来监测液滴体积的变化,从而实现液滴体积的测量。 本文根据光纤液滴传感器的基本原理进行了传感器的具体结构、光路、电路设计,搭建了光纤液滴传感器的试验平台。并利用此平台分别测试了不同溶液的液滴指纹图,通过对指纹图进行分析对比得到液体的特性参数,首先实现了对各种液体的鉴别,然后测量了不同浓度的乙醇和蔗糖溶液,在分析了乙醇和蔗糖溶液的传统特征参量后,提出了新的液滴指纹图的分析方法,可以实现对乙醇和蔗糖溶液折射率和浓度的测试,利用此方法还可以实现乙醇表面张力的测试。
The optical fiber drop sensor is a type of the liquid-testing sensors based on the relationship between the dripping process and the characters of the liquid to be tested. It is potentially useful testing systems of physical and chemical characters of liquid samples by analyzing the variety of the light intensity, termed as the fingerprint drop trace, shortly FDT. The drop volume testing is based on the changing capacitive with the drop descending. On the basis of the principle of fiber drop sensor the work design the concrete structure, the route of light, circuit and then established the fiber drop sensor. Then a series of experiments are processed to obtain the FDTS of different liquid samples, especially alcohol solutions of different concentrations and cane sugar solutions of different concentrations. After discussing the traditional parameters of FDT, a new character is given to mark the index of refraction and concentration of the alcohol solutions and cane sugar solutions. The method also can be used in testing the surface tension of alcohol.
The optical fiber drop sensor is a type of the liquid-testing sensors based on the relationship between the dripping process and the characters of the liquid to be tested. It is potentially useful testing systems of physical and chemical characters of liquid samples by analyzing the variety of the light intensity, termed as the fingerprint drop trace, shortly FDT. The drop volume testing is based on the changing capacitive with the drop descending. On the basis of the principle of fiber drop sensor the work design the concrete structure, the route of light, circuit and then established the fiber drop sensor. Then a series of experiments are processed to obtain the FDTS of different liquid samples, especially alcohol solutions of different concentrations and cane sugar solutions of different concentrations. After discussing the traditional parameters of FDT, a new character is given to mark the index of refraction and concentration of the alcohol solutions and cane sugar solutions. The method also can be used in testing the surface tension of alcohol.